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merriam webster

2 Resultados de traducción para visit en español

noun | verb

visit noun

unfavorite favorite play sound

Ejemplos de uso de
visit noun

  • We had a visit from the company president.
  • Our son came home for a visit.
  • Have you been here before, or is this your first visit?
  • We had a nice visit after the meeting.

visit verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
visited, has visited, is visiting, visits
visita; visitar, ir a ver; azotar, afligir

Ejemplos de uso de
visit verb

  • She is visiting her aunt in New York.
  • When are you coming to visit?
  • He is visiting a client in Phoenix.
  • She visits her doctor regularly.
  • I would like to visit Rome someday.
  • City officials visited the building site.
  • Our town was once visited by the President.
  • Be sure to visit our Web site.

Sinónimos de
visit verb

Sinónimos detallados para visit verb

Visit, call significan el venir a un lugar para quedarse con alguien por un tiempo, normalmente breve.
  • Visit se aplica a cualquier ocasión de este tipo, sea larga o breve, sin importar su índole, causa o propósito <a short visit to her cousins in London>.
  • Call se aplica a una visita breve, normalmente formal, con fines sociales o profesionales <the salesmen make at least six calls each day>.
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Frases relacionadas para visit

Traducción inversa para visit

visita  - visit, call, visitor 
visita  - to visit 
visitar  - to visit 
azotar  - to whip, to flog, to lash, to batter, to devastate, to afflict 
afligir  - to distress, to upset, to afflict